Case Study Details

Supply Chain Made Faster & Better

Request for Quote(RFQ) in Vendor Management System creates next-level Engagement for Manufacturing Sectors



A leading manufacturer of Elevators and Escalators in the industry faced significant challenges in their procurement process. As they aimed to streamline their vendor management, they sought a solution that could enhance Request for Quote(RFQ) management and improve efficiency across their supply chain.

Problem Outline

The client encountered two main pain points in their procurement process. Firstly, they struggled with maintaining Request for Quote(RFQ) containing similar items but from different manufacturers, leading to potential confusion and errors in purchases. Secondly, the process of raising RFQs for multiple items across various vendors was time-consuming, prone to mistakes and repeated efforts.

Solution Summary

VENDORA as a renowned vendor management system, introduced an innovative RFQ document management module tailored to the specific needs of our client. The module integrated features to address their pain points effectively. Firstly, the Request for Quote(RFQ) solution enabled the attachment of multiple documents to RFQ, facilitating clear identification of items made against a supplier and avoiding confusion during procurement. Additionally, the solution allowed for the simultaneous raising of RFQs for multiple items and vendors, streamlining the procurement process significantly. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive design ensured ease of use, minimizing the chances of errors and enhancing the overall efficiency of the supply chain.


  • Reduced data entry tasks for both buyers and vendors, leading to significant time savings
  • Enhanced accuracy in procurement processes by enabling the attachment of multiple documents to Request for Quote(RFQ), minimizing the risk of purchasing the wrong make for similar items
  • Streamlined procurement operations through the ability to raise RFQs for multiple items and vendors in a single process
  • Improved operational efficiency across the supply chain, resulting in tangible cost savings for the company
  • Increased user satisfaction with the user-friendly interface and intuitive design of the RFQ document management module
  • Strengthened vendor relationships by facilitating clear communication and efficient collaboration throughout the procurement process

Client Testimonial

VENDORA’s Request for Quote(RFQ) solution transformed our procurement process, saving us time. Its accuracy streamlined operations. The cost savings and user-friendly interface exceeded our expectations. Highly recommended for machinery manufacturers!

——— Vendor Manager, Purchase Department