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Supply Chain Made Faster & Better

How Vendor Relationship Management Software could Drive Efficiency for your Businesses

In today’s competitive environment any organization willing to gain increased value from their vendors need to manage their relationships by adopting best- of-breed technology. Technology makes a significant impact on Vendor relationship management by establishing transparency and preventing miscommunication. Vendora’s Supply Chain Management software allows organizations to simplify the process, set up the appropriate communication channels & establish good relationships to become more successful. Communication between buyers and suppliers in real-time make the transaction process friction-less between the two parties. Building a holistic picture of the vendor helps evaluate the long-term strategic value of the relationship reduce residual risks. Typically, helps everyone understands the timeline and do regular check-ins allow both sides to course-correct on need basis, and to identify action plans for continuous improvements. To gain increased value from vendors throughout the life cycle its critical to create a simple project management template to access all information from one place. Vendor relationship management software will serve as a central hub and will help you quickly on-board your vendors, cut down on duplication of data, loss of contracts and other information. With this effective tool organization can evaluates suppliers based on a number of pre-defined factors and make sure to optimize their spending. To keep your great suppliers as part of your supply chain for the long term utilize vendor relationship management software and streamline multiple OEM vendor contract relationships. With Vendora simplify vendor communication and enhance collaboration necessary to stand out from the crowd. Contact us for free  demo today, and see if it is the right fit for your organization.